不管你是 一个成年人 希望扩大你的职业潜力或完成荷兰国际集团(ing) 高中 和思考你的下一步, you may be wonder荷兰国际集团(ing) whether go荷兰国际集团(ing) to college is a good idea.  

因为高等教育是一项巨大的投资 时间和金钱, you need to know if the benefits make it worthwhile.



Students walk荷兰国际集团(ing) between classes on Auraria Campus.Invest荷兰国际集团(ing) in college means an investment in yourself, . Here are 10 of the best benefits of earn荷兰国际集团(ing) a college degree: 


  1. 更高的收入潜力

Earn荷兰国际集团(ing) a college degree opens the door to better income potential. If you are employed in a field that does not require a degree, hav荷兰国际集团(ing) one will make it more likely that you will advance in the company you work for. On average, people with a college degree make more than those with just a high school diploma. 2021年的一项调查 《皇冠官网网站》 found that adults with a bachelor’s degree earned over twice the amount as those without one over their lifetimes. 


  1. 更好的就业能力

Hav荷兰国际集团(ing) a college degree increases the likelihood you will also have a job. 根据 Department of Education’s National Center for Education Statistics, the employment rate for 25 to 34-year-olds drastically increases with higher levels of education. The employment rate was 86 percent for those with a bachelor’s degree or higher as of March 2020, compared to 69 percent for those who had a high school diploma only. 


  1. 为特殊职业做准备

You can get a job without a college degree, but you may not be able to launch a career. Many specialized career paths require a degree as the foundation for entry (和成功) 在那个领域. If your chosen field has specialized job train荷兰国际集团(ing) requirements, 获得学位是合乎逻辑的第一步. For example, if you want to work in education or the medical fields在美国,你需要一个学位才能开始. 


  1. 提高了生产率

When you earn a college degree, you develop more skills in your chosen field. 更多的技能意味着更高水平的生产力, 这对劳动力中的每个人都有利, 从雇员到雇主. This involves gain荷兰国际集团(ing) skillS在你的领域 of study that will help you manage your time on the job. Furthermore, a degree usually comes with some hands-on train荷兰国际集团(ing), increas荷兰国际集团(ing) your aptitude. 


  1. 更好的沟通技巧

Higher education br荷兰国际集团(ing)s with it skills to communicate both verbally and in writ荷兰国际集团(ing). You will be able to interact with your coworkers clearly, and learn how to communicate with your management team 有效地. If your job involves speak荷兰国际集团(ing) to customers or students, you will also gain important skills to help you do so. Clear written and verbal communication is critical to find荷兰国际集团(ing) success at work. 


  1. 改善d 自信

完成大学学业是一个巨大的成就. When you graduate, you gain confidence know荷兰国际集团(ing) you have done hard work and it has paid off. 这在工作场所是至关重要的. Employers notice it in job interviews and when consider荷兰国际集团(ing) people for leadership roles. 在你寻求职业发展的过程中,这是无价的. 


  1. 批判性思维技能的发展

High school classes are usually focused on impart荷兰国际集团(ing) knowledge and build荷兰国际集团(ing) basic skills, leav荷兰国际集团(ing) little room for develop荷兰国际集团(ing) critical think荷兰国际集团(ing). Yet in the workforce and in life, critical think荷兰国际集团(ing) is vital. 等到有人上大学的时候, they are usually ready to think on a deeper  level about various topics. 

Many college programs have a heavy emphasis on critical think荷兰国际集团(ing), help荷兰国际集团(ing) you fine-tune your abilities to think clearly about the challenges you will face in your job. 


  1. 创造社交机会

When it comes to land荷兰国际集团(ing) a job, it’s often all about who you know. A professional network is a place where new job opportunities are found. Go荷兰国际集团(ing) to college automatically expands your professional network, 因为你可以和学生建立关系, 老师, 和其他S在你的领域. 

使用LinkedIn和其他社交媒体等工具 平台, you can stay connected with those people after graduation. Over time, they can lead to information about potential positions or other network荷兰国际集团(ing) opportunities. 


  1. Creates Pathways to Career Advancement Opportunities

Your college education not only grows your network, but it also starts you on the path toward career advancement opportunities. You may learn about conferences and eventS在你的领域 that  add to your knowledge base and your professional connections. You may also be able to receive a certification that opens the door to 更大的职业发展空间.  

除了, hav荷兰国际集团(ing) a college degree gets your foot in the door for many promotions that simply aren’t available without one. If you want to move forward in your career, this is the key stepp荷兰国际集团(ing)stone. 


  1. 更幸福的生活

更大的收入潜力, 更大的职业发展空间, a strong network and higher self-confidence all add up to help荷兰国际集团(ing) you create a happier life. 研究也支持这一说法. 在一个 2016年皮尤研究报告, 23 percent of adults with limited education said they were not happy with their lives compared to just nine percent of those with a bachelor’s degree or higher. 

为什么会这样?? 根据… CNBC报导, people who have a college degree also are more likely to have stable marriages, longer lives and better health than those who do not, contribut荷兰国际集团(ing) to overall levels of self-reported happiness.



有这么多 福利, 高等教育是一个合乎逻辑的选择. 这是你能做的最好的事情 为成功定位自己. 

If you are look荷兰国际集团(ing) for a college that will help you build your network and improve your employability, 不妨考虑丹佛大都会州立大学. 超过90 本科 学位课程, 密歇根州立大学丹佛分校有适合每个人的东西. 浏览皇冠官网网站的 网上可用的节目, or 向招生顾问求助 讨论你今天的需求. 


上大学值得吗?? 看 密歇根州立大学丹佛 President Janine Davidson’s TEDx talk 为了找到答案,然后 读到 的投资回报率 高等教育 关于个人和社区